Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Kamal's back, with a bang. And, in 10 characters. Wowwww!!! Different voice, different walking styles, different backgrounds : each character speaks out for itself. In every frame, there are atleast 3 Kamals!!! Lots of effort put into each character, and the awe of watching them overthrows all flaws.

Although most characters are well enacted and leave a mark, a few seem to be there just for reaching the magic number 10. The visual effects have greatly aided the film. The ending action sequence is cool. But, the romance at the end amidst the dreadful aftereffects of Tsunami is not charming.

Chaos theory and Butterfly effect are applied in the movie, as a sound explanation for the not so believable screenplay across centuries. Only Kamal can think of, and dare to enact such a story. Hats off to the great actor.

This can very well be one of the masterpieces of the world of cinema.